Monday, July 25, 2016

Pantry and Laundry

My pantry was all the left overs when we moved in. I had no idea where to put all of it so it just got shoved in. It was a disaster. I could never find anything and it's no wonder it's a clutter fest! 

I was able to put things right where they belong. Now I have tons of space in my kitchen because I moved things to the storage room. I at least left this room with four boxes to give away. I love walking in here and just goggle now.  

On the opposite wall is the laundry. It was a mess. No wonder I put off laundry all the time. I hated it... 

I was able to find places for everything. I even made it pretty. Moving the laundry divider downstairs made a huge difference. Now I just carry laundry down every other day and sort it. I also just have two laundry bins (the coral ones) that are small. So I can't pile up laundry for days. Now that it's organized I love to sort laundry and put it away because I don't have to deal with extra clutter or extra clothes. This picture is also three days later. This kinda ugly space became one of my favorites. 

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