Porter had a pretty big change in his room also. I forgot to take before pictures so you won't know how bad it was before. With our bedroom needing an update for our relationship, Porter's room needed it for me and him as well. I love this little boy but he can sure drive me bonkers. I love that we can fits everything in his bedroom easily now.
His bed we added somethings to make more his. Like a lamp, which he can turn on and off by himself and his night light. Also all his books are on the shelves easy for him to get to. Under his bed there are drawers for his stuffed animal toys. We only keep quiet things in his room with him.
This storage nook was a disaster. Everything was just thrown on it. Now it's got all his cute nik-naks to display.
Here's the closet. This closet has tons of storage. I did the same thing as our room and got rid of his dresser. Which he mostly dumped out all the time. Everything on the middle shelf was in his dresser. I also put his laundry hamper in. Now he actually will pick out his shoes and socks for the day, throw away his own diapers, and put his dirty clothes in the hamper. Yay! This closet also has tons of storage on the sides. So I added his swim things on one whole shelf, his next clothes that fit him, plastic bags to put stinky diapers in, his blankets at an easy reach, and a shelf for clothes that don't fit.
Porter's room came together nicely. It was all there just not in the right places. I love that he can put his own things away now!
I love this Tess! Way to help your beautiful son feel more independent, capable, and mature by arranging things to set him up for success!