I'll be trying to put the before and afters together. I got rid of so much!
This is where all our tupperware and large bowl storage went. Now I can find everything so much easier.
This is my cooking cabinet. It's right below were I put my mixer. I was in the middle of cleaning it when I remembered to take a picture. It looks so much better now. The boxes have all the cooking supplies in them; brown sugar, flour, chocolate chips, etc. The basket has mixing cups and tablespoons. Now I have all my lids together on the bottom shelf in a container. The large bowls have a space. Now I can actually find my blender.
Under the sink didn't change too much. It's the only place that will fit my tall mixer and my baking and cutting boards.
This was an odd cabinet that I never really used. I actually forgot about it since we moved here and hadn't touched it again. All the tupperware went to DI if I couldn't remember it. Now it stores extra plates and our quail egg containers. We use it everyday now.
The cup cabinet became a mess when we started buying baby cups. Now it's all organized and doesn't have more than what we use.
Our food cabinet always became a mess. I moved a bunch to the pantry and have a drawer of snacks.
My oven mitt drawer was way too full. Now it's nice and clean with only the amount I actually use.
This was the really messy junk drawer. I changed it to the large spoons and such. It makes sense since it is by the oven.
My silverware drawer got moved to where everyone thinks it should be. You know when you go to someone's house and open the drawer where the silverware should go. Well I moved it to that spot. I also moved the kids silverware in with ours because it makes a lot more sense.
I cleaned a bit out from the random drawer and added all of the knives to one drawer. Much easier to get to it all.
The snack drawer. Man I am sure you are all thinking I am such a messy person. I don't think I am but somehow pictures speak louder than words... Now it is my beautiful towel and wrap drawer.
My old spatula and wrap drawer now has hardly anything in it. Some of Porter's favorite plates go here.
The spice drawer didn't get much of a make over. It's so easy to find everything because I labeled all the tops. I do need to go through it and cut down a bit. I loved putting spices in such a easy way to store. Usually they are hidden in a cabinet and you can never find them.
The baking drawer actually has containers in it to sort things. There is certainly not a ton to sort when you decide you never use it.
Our computer is on the kitchen counter perfect for watching favorite shows while cooking and looking up recipes. We put the keyboard in a drawer so a little boy I know isn't tempted to climb up the counter. So it's kinda like a junk drawer but not anymore.
I like having things in drawers. It is much easier to see. Porter got into this drawer one too many times. Now I have two drawers for snacks and breads.
I hate putting plastic cups in the cabinet. They are too easy to knock over and they just end up getting crammed in. My drawer didn't change much. It's so easy to find which bottle I want. Plus I don't really care if Porter goes through this drawer.
This cabinet above the sink was a disaster too. I moved a bunch of it to storage and gave all my tea things away. I loved it but never used it. Now it's nice to have everything fit. I also narrowed down my thirty cook books I never read to my seven favorites. They are also in an easy place to get to them.
I hope you enjoyed my kitchen. I should have taken pictures during the disaster of cleaning. Here's the after. I cleaned the top of the fridge off, got rid of extra magnets and papers on the fridge, got better bar stools that don't scratch our floors (Target clearance) and have everything tucked away where it should go with room to spare.
I also have Porter's toy room in our kitchen but went down from three shelves to one. Talk about less clean up!
Wow Tess, I am so impressed with how many organizing principles you put to use here. Seriously, you are inspiring me! I also really liked how you spelled out some of the things you thought you liked but realized you didn't use and are more free and light without them. It gives people the courage to let go. You inspired me that I can let go of some cookbooks. :)