Friday, June 24, 2016

I'm Proud Of My Unproductive Day

What a day! (and it's not even done yet.) You know those mornings you wake up and you have no drive to do anything.That was my morning. I woke up at 7:27 being head-butted in the face by my adorable toddler. Who apparently thinks, if the sun is out why should you sleep. He woke up grumpy and I went right along with him. Grumpy, irritated, and I just didn't want to. After the home coked breakfast yogurt packets I figured I would check on our animals. There was a chance quail eggs would hatch today. 

Yay! Baby Quail. 

Although, that gave me a nice kick start, I was still in no mood to do my to do list for the day. I put grumpy back to bed and decided I was going to tackle my list. Of which I still needed to complete several of yesterday's items.


Seems like no big problem. Except I didn't want to do anything. So I started with what I knew needed to be done the most. A change in my attitude. I started first with writing out my emotions and writing a letter to God. Amazing how when you decide to let God into your troubles the change you have inside. I wrote my letter, said my declarations, wrote out my feeling of disappointment (that I didn't have the energy I had yesterday), and studied the scriptures. Within 15 minutes of my usual nap time routine I was ready to take on any challenge. 

First small thing that makes a big difference- making my bed. I always know I am more productive when my bed is made. 

Next the pile of dishes and starting a load of laundry. Then the munchkin woke up. I was in such a great place ready to complete my list of things to do. But I got this cute face just wanted to be held instead. 

I tried so hard to keep him busy so I could meal plan and continue on my day of productivity. 

But.. It didn't work within 5 minutes he had drawn on himself and was crying to be held. How frustrating!? I was ready to be productive but how can I be with this one in my lap...

We decided to watch a movie and relax together. He promptly stole the popcorn from me and we sat.. for hours. I felt like my day was slipping away from me. All the things that needed to be done just gone. When he fell asleep I decided to peek back out at our quail. 

30 new little lives brought into this world. While I was out I watched twelve more hatch. What an amazing sight. As I came back in to my sleeping son, the irritation had left me. Yes I still have tons to do. Yes I still have a list. The whole reason I chose to stay home was to be with my son. Today he needs me. He needs me to relax with him today. He needs me to cuddle with him today. He needs a mom that cares about him more than the list. I don't know if I will feel the sense of accomplishment I feel when the laundry is done or when I clean a room. But I should. I should be proud of myself for taking that time with him that he needs. I am proud to be his mom and I am proud to say... Today I didn't accomplish my list. Today I was the mom he needed me to be. 

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